Our Philosophy is to provide a Christ-centered Kindergarten readiness-learning environment that encourages the development of the whole child through creative play. Our program is implemented in an atmosphere of acceptance, encouragement and respect for individual differences.

We will encourage social development by providing opportunities for making friends, sharing, taking turns, resolving conflicts, solving problems and building self-esteem.

We will encourage emotional development through verbal expressions of thoughts and feelings, experiencing kindness, fairness and empathy, understanding rules and limitations and by recognized and respecting emotions in others.

We will encourage physical development of large motor skills through indoor and outdoor games and activities, as well as fine motor skills through manipulative toys, blocks, toys, play dough and creative activities.

We will encourage intellectual development by including fun, hands-on learning activities, science materials, dramatic play, problem solving, stories and puppetry.

We will encourage spiritual development by creating an environment of Christian love and care for young children and their families.

Ms. Cindy Corso

Ms. Cindy Corso

Director of Peace Christian Preschool and Day Care

Ms. Tina

Ms. Tina

Peace Christian Preschool - Day Care Office Assistant

Email Us for More Information

13 + 14 =

Peace Christian Preschool and Day Care is licensed by the State of New York to conduct classes for eighteen month olds through elementary school.

Our eight classrooms are housed in the north wing of the Peace Christian Church located at 680 Ocean Avenue in Bohemia, NY.
We feature a “ride-on-room” and two outdoor playgrounds that were designed to meet the needs of preschool children and comply
with all standards set by the State.

We are a fully accredited Preschool and Day Care, licensed by the State of New York and meets all of its standards in staff and facility.
State personnel visit us periodically to evaluate our facility and program.

We are conducted as a Christian Preschool and Day Care where children from all denominations, races, creeds and backgrounds are welcome.
If you are interested in what our church believes and practices, check it out here.

Our Staff consists of teachers and assistants who have all undergone background checks, are fingerprinted and have extensive early childhood experience.
Our teachers are all certified Early Childhood teachers who must also complete fifteen hours of state approved training courses each year.
You can meet our staff here. All staff members are certified in First-Aid as well as CPR. We are approved to apply sunscreen, topical diaper ointment and provide “emergency medications” such as Epinephrine injections (EpiPen) and inhalers for Asthma. We have a pediatric and adult AED on-site. All staff members are trained on use of AED.